There are bullets flying around your head. 子弹在头顶上呼啸而过。
You can also make a flying banner and can give surprise to your loved one by flying it over her head and making it the most excited and memorable moment of your life. 你也可以买一个可以飞行的横幅,这样当横幅飞过你所爱的人头顶时,不仅可以给她惊喜,还可以让这一时刻成为你人生中最激动、最难忘的瞬间。
When Mrs Mak was going to give birth to McDull, she saw a magical plastic basin ( pronounced roughly as dull in Cantonese) flying over her head. 麦太临盆去医院准备生麦兜的时候,她看到了一只神奇的塑料盆(粤语中叫做胶兜)从她头顶飞过。
Why would anyone need to know what planes are flying above your head? 为什么会有人想知道有哪些飞机正飞过自己头顶呢?
When the bright five-star red flag flying in your head; 当鲜艳的五星红旗在你头上飘扬;
Hello? Fourth Interceptive Command? I see an unidentified object flying around my little head. 你好?第四拦截司令部?我看到一个不明物体在我的小脑袋周围飞来飞去。
A flying stone hit me on the head while I was passing by. 我路过这里时,一块飞石击中了我的头部。
Immediately he was flying head over heels through the air at the rate of dozens of miles a minute. 他马上就以每分钟几十英里的速度,在空中头朝前飞动起来。
The development of the capacity of the computer hard disk has put forward the requirements for a reduced flying distance between the magnetic head and a more smooth surface of the magnetic head. 计算机硬盘存储容量的发展要求不断降低磁头在硬盘表面的飞行高度,从而要求硬盘磁头的表面祖糙度值越来越小。
Under the stars and with the night colder all the time he ate half of one of the dolphin fillets and one of the flying fish, gutted and with its head cut off. 在星光下,在越来越冷的夜色里,他把一爿鱼肉吃了一半,还吃了一条已经挖去了内脏、切掉了脑袋的飞鱼。
Where else in life do you not want to duck away from an object flying straight at your head? 如果,生活中的其它时候你看到飞来横物,你难道没有躲闪以求护头?
There are so many different trends and styles flying around that it makes my head spin. 无处不在的繁多款式和风格看得我晕头转向。
I felt a fly flying around my head. 我感到一只苍蝇正在我头上飞。
Psychic Festival small air ride brooms and started flying, playing pumpkin head and the bat. 小巫女月夜空中骑扫把飞行,打南瓜头和蝙蝠。
Sprewell could do nothing but shut-up and watched as the ball flying right over his head to Rose who slammedit home. 斯普雷威尔只能傻站在那里看着球飞过头顶,罗斯接球后轻松扣篮得分。
Did a basketball just come flying by my head? 刚刚有个篮球从我头上飞过去?
Both positive and negative pressures were generated by the air bearing of the flying head, with the stiffness and motion stability enhanced by the negative pressures. 微型飞行头采用了正负压力并存的结构,极大提高了飞行头的承载刚度,并有效消除了工作过程中气流的不断变化对飞行高度的影响,增加了飞行头的动态稳定性;
Computer Simulation of Flying Performance for Flying Optical Head 飞行光学头飞行性能计算机仿真
The vibration of flying missile head is a subject of random vibration mainly. Calculating the random response is a major work of missile head structure and environment analysis. 弹头在飞行过程中的振动主要是随机振动,计算随机激励下弹头的响应是弹头结构强度和环境分析的重要任务之一。
In this paper, concerning about the characteristics of random excitation spectrum of flying missile head, An approximate method and error estimate solution of dense modes are presented. 本文针对弹头随机激励的谱特点,给出了随机响应的近似解法及其误差估计,并推导了密集模态下随机响应的解析表达式。
Structural Design and Characteristic Simulation of Integrated Optical Flying Head for Near-Field Recording 近场光存储一体化光学飞行头结构设计与特性仿真
In flying height measuring method utilizing light intensity interference principle, the position control of micro flying head has effect on measuring error. 基于强度干涉原理的飞高检测方案中,微型飞行头位姿控制是影响测量误差的一项关键因素。
This paper calculates a simulative solution of dynamics flying properties of magnetic head slider in ultra-thin gas film. 本文对微小浮动间隙的磁头浮动块的动态浮动性能进行了仿真计算。
The lens and SIL were integrated on the flying head to overcome the defocusing effect during disk rotation. 该微型飞行头将聚焦透镜和SIL集成于一个承载微飞行头,克服了光盘高速旋转过程中,二者距离改变而导致离焦的影响;
The effect of the yaw angle on the flying characteristics of magnetic head sliders 气体侧流对磁头浮动特性的影响
A microsize flying head was developed based on the micro fluid theory of hydrodynamics to improve the coupling efficiency between solid immersion lens ( SIL) and disk for near-field optical recording. 为提高固体浸没透镜(SIL)和盘面之间的近场耦合效率,设计并研制了一种基于流体力学微流动理论的近场光存储深亚微米微型飞行头。
Application of Fiber Optical Flying Head in Optics Disk System 光盘系统中的光纤飞行头应用
Designing the flying optical head is the key technique for Near field recording. 研究与设计飞行光学头是推出新一代高密度近场光记录光盘驱动器的关键技术之一。
According to the normal model of UAV, then the force and moment of the deadlock rudder are regarded as constant disturbance, the models of differential horizontal tail UAV and flying head tail UAV which are related to the spiral motion are established respectively. 然后以正常无人机模型为基础,把方向舵卡死产生的力与力矩当作常值扰动,分别建立了常规布局无人机和差动平尾无人机与螺旋运动相关的模型。